The Infinitely Little Have a Pride Infinitely Great.

6 min readFeb 22, 2020

The inability to admit defeat. Rather than sucking it up, conceding that mistakes were made and the battle was lost; there is denial, projection, rejection of what has happened, and passing the blame to anyone and anything but the themselves — the loser.

Pride is a funny thing. It feels so good when we‘re accomplished and feel great about ourselves, getting the well deserved pat on the back and round of applause. It can also cause arrant delusion and arrogance. If one is too prideful, too high on themselves, too righteous and perfect, the world begins to collapse into a kaleidoscope of selfishness, self aggrandizement, and vainglory.

For the last two weeks the mainstream media has been largely and suspiciously silent on the audio tapes released by Johnny Depp, which overwhelmingly prove his innocence in his ongoing battle with Amber Heard over domestic violence allegations. The most information has come, as usual, from Twitter, YouTube, and small blogs and their independent writers that have been trumpeting across the internet. This has caused a mass awakening, and people are now exiling Amber Heard from their lives by boycotting her film work and L’Oreal brands. The petition to have her removed from Aquaman now has over 355,000 signatures with others to remove her as spokesperson for L’Oreal and UN also gaining traction. People…

