3 min readSep 23, 2021


Enemy of the Truth

The Cerberus that is the media rears it’s grotesque heads once again. Over the last 24 hours Johnny Depp took to the stage at the San Sebastián Film Festival to accept his well deserved Donostia award. Through the process he gave a speech and held a press conference, during which he was asked about cancel culture. The media took his answer and was off to the races. Not only did they take the entire situation out of context, they made it appear he had stood up and pontificated on the matter all on his own prompting instead of the fact that he was responding to a question from the pool of press.

This set off a firestorm of articles littered with the usual drivel tying him back to an actress whose name is only mildly relevant because of him. They really do love to play judge, jury, and executioner with people’s lives, not realizing that Johnny Depp’s words yesterday are inherently true. The Kraken of cancel culture could come for any one of them at any time. One sentence, one accusation, a whiff of a bad tweet and it could all be over for them. Yet they insist on perpetuating this nonsense to the masses under the guise of invincibility and piety. The media is to be believed at all costs don’t you know! Only they know the truth of our times! Believe them when they print with reckless abandon that someone is a convicted wife beater, never mind that it was a civil libel case — pesky facts.

